In general

A fall zone is the area under a person climbing. If a climber falls, this is where the climber lands.

Before and during climbing, make sure not to move into other climbers’ fall zone. Climbers above you have right of way.

When belaying a climber, ensure that the fall zone of the climber is free of people and other hazards.

All climbing gyms have an issue with chalk-dust. You can improve the situation by using liquid chalk or a chalk-ball. When using loose chalk, please close your bag between uses in order to prevent spills.

Children are to be kept under constant supervision by a parent or guardian. Running and playing on the soft mats is dangerous, as climbers can fall at any time. Noise is to be kept at a moderate level.

All forms of paid instruction must be in explicit agreement with the administration at Klatreverket.

If you are over the age of 18 and hold a valid Topptaukort (top rope certificate) or Brattkort (lead climbing certificate) you may supervise one person at a time in the activity for which you are certified. You are responsible for this being performed in a safe manner. You must stay on the ground at all times, focused completely on the person belaying. You must hold a back-up on the dead end of the rope at all times. You may not belay anyone else at the same time.

You must keep your shirt on while climbing in the reception area at Torshov. Klatreverket in Oslo does not have a general prohibition against climbing shirtless, but we encourage climbers to keep their shirt on during busy hours. 


Everyone can boulder, and everyone perform it at their own risk.

Look up and pay attention when standing on the boulder mats! Climbers on the wall are completely focused on climbing, and have their back to you; therefore, it is your responsibility not to be struck by a falling climber.

Many boulder problems overlap (cross). Before beginning to climb, make sure no one is already climbing on a problem crossing one you wish to attempt.

During busy hours, it is good practice to communicate with people around you to ensure everyone gets to climb in their turn.

Downclimb whenever possible, or if this is not possible, use a controlled/planned jump. Absorb the impact by bending your knees, and roll on the boulder mats if necessary. Injury can easily occur when landing on straight legs and/or arms.

The boulder mats are fall zones and by that, safety areas. If you sit or lie on the mats you potentially create dangerous situations both for the climber on the wall, and for yourself.

Do not leave items such as water bottles, brushes, mobile phones and chalk bags on the boulder mats.


Everyone can climb with a rope, but you need a certification to belay (Topptaukort or Brattkort).

It is your responsibility that your climbing harness is fitted correctly. If unsure, you must ask a member of staff or another person you deem to be competent and who are willing to assume responsibility for the correct fitting and use of your climbing equipment.

On the 10 m walls on the second floor you can belay while practising to pass certification in Topptaukort/Brattkort if you:

  • have completed a Brattkort/Topptau course at a certified provider, or
  • are able to perform a safety check on the equipment, perform a buddy check and properly belay or
  • are supervised by a holder of a valid Brattkort
  • have signed the legal notice and
  • are 16 years or older

A Topptaukort (“Top-rope card”) permits you to belay on any wall with a top-rope. You must present your Topptaukort in physical or digital form to Klatreverkets staff if requested. Your certificate may be revoked by the staff if belaying is not adequate.

A Brattkort (“Lead climbing card”) permits you to belay a lead climber on any wall. You must present your Brattkort in physical or digital form to Klatreverkets staff if requested. Your certificate may be revoked by the staff if belaying is not adequate.

If both climbers are younger than 16, they must both hold a Brattkort certificate to climb on lead on any wall.

If both climbers are younger than 16, they must both hold a Topptaukort certificate to climb on top-rope on any wall.

If the climber is younger than 18, a legal guardian must sign the legal notice on behalf of the minor.

For climbers 16 and 17, all general rules for rope climbing apply. However, a parent or legal guardian must sign the legal notice on behalf of the minor. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to determine if the minor has the necessary competence to climb and belay at the climbing centre.

You can use the Autobelay if your weight is from 15 kg to 140 kg. 

No certification is required for climbing on autobelay, but instruction by a staff member before first use is mandatory.

It is your responsibility that your harness is fitted correctly. If unsure, you must ask a member of staff or another person you deem to be competent and who are willing to assume responsibility for the correct fitting and use of your climbing equipment.

Legal notice

Klatreverkets responsibilities

Maintenance of the facilities including walls, ropes, bouldering areas, spinners etc.

Well kept equipment available for renting.

Safety zones
Secure areas when needed, e.g. during maintenance and route setting.

Guidance from Klatreverket’s instructors must be professionally correct and not put participants in unnecessary danger.

Personal damage when
Klatreverket is not responsible for personal injury while staying or climbing in our premises, unless the injury is caused by a failure or fault in our facility or rental equipment, or as a result of incorrect action or guidance from Klatreverket’s employees.

During courses and events
Klatreverket can be held responsible for personal injuries during courses and events when the injury is caused by a breach of Klatreverket’s rules of conduct on the part of the instructor.

Your responsibilities

All stays at Klatreverket are at your own risk.
Children must be supervised at all times. Young people (under 18) can come unaccompanied by adults, but a guardian must have signed the declaration of responsibility before climbing begins.

Guidelines on signs and posters
You are obliged to comply with prohibitions and guidelines on signs and posters in Klatreverket’s premises. Some rules only apply to special places and/or circumstances.

Prohibited zones for children
Please observe and respect the signs communicating areas not allowed for children. 

Fall zones
It is your responsibility not to be struck by a falling climber.

Own security check

  • You yourself are always responsible for ensuring that your personal climbing equipment is in proper condition
  • You yourself are responsible for doing a buddy check before you climb
  • You yourself are responsible for belaying in compliance with your certification
  • You yourself are responsible for not being in another climber’s fall zone


Follow guidance
As a participant in a course, training or event with an instructor, you are obliged to listen to and follow the guidelines from the instructor. The instructors are responsible for your safety, but only as long as you follow the instructor’s guidance.

Potential danger
If you see any faults with any parts of the facilities, or if you observe anyone belaying or climbing in an unsafe manner, please report the danger immediately or by mail.


I sign on behalf of myself. I have read and understood:

  1. The rules
  2. The Legal notice 

I sign on behalf of a minor. I have read and understood:

  1. The rules
  2. The Legal notice 
I have presented the rules and the legal notice to whom I am signing for.