Autobelay, rope and bouldering at Torshov
Løkka bouldering
Bouldering at Bryn

Information in English

Klatreverket in Oslo has 3 venues. You will find us at Bryn, Grünerløkka and Torshov. Torshov and Grünerløkka is in the center of Oslo, situated alongside Akerselva – the river splitting Oslo in two from the woods in the north to the fjord in the south.

At Klatreverket Torshov the gym has it all – autobelay, ropeclimbing and bouldering. Torshov is the best alternative for “climbing families”. Løkka (Grünerløkka) and Bryn have bouldering, system walls and climb specific training equipment.

First time at Klatreverket

We have great climbing for everyone, both the beginners and the experienced ones. Klatreverket in Oslo (3 centers) are owned and run by climbers. The “frequent” climber and the activity of climbing is always our highest priority.

Klatreverket is a dangerous place for kids to play. We do not have a developed offer for toddlers and families looking for a weekend activity. Climbing children however, tend to have a great time at Klatreverket in Oslo.

Our grades are “solid” regardless of level. We want to create climbing challenges for everyone. The prize you receive, is the feeling of mastery when you complete the challenge. You find new ways to use your whole body and reach the top!

We climb not because it is easy, but because it is difficult and great fun.

The 3 gyms i Oslo


Klatreverket Torshov

In the city center of Oslo at Myrens verksted. The gym has rope-climbing, Autobelays and bouldering on 3 floors.

Torshov (in Norwegian) >


Klatreverket Løkka

In downtown Oslo at Grünerløkka. You can boulder and climb on system walls.

Løkka (in Norwegian)>


Klatreverket Bryn

is close to Brynseng T-station. You can boulder and climb on system walls.

Bryn (in Norwegian)>

Everyone can climb

You do not need a course, but there are rules that regulate where you can climb connected to age and certification. Any course, training session or event can be held in English on request.

Everyone can use the bouldering walls and the autobelays. Please check with the staff in the reseption regarding your safety if in doubt. 

You can climb with a rope if you partner has a certificate (Brattkort – topptau or led). Do not belay without a certificate.

With the toprope certificate, you can belay where there are top-ropes already hanging.

Owning a Brattkort – led, you can belay on all walls. You can climb everywhere if you partner also own a Brattkort-led.

Opening hours

The opening hours vary from gym to gym, but normally they are all open from 10 AM to 6 PM. Opening hours in detail > 


You can use the same member card at all gyms. The prices are not the same in Oslo, Drammen and Kristiansand. You should purchase the card where you climb most of the time. Pricelist (in Norwegian)>

Events in English

Any course, training session or event can be in English on request. Please give us a heads up! As a default the courses and training sessions are in Norwegian. 

If you book an exclusive event, it can be carried out in english only. A bouldering event will costs you less than an event with rope climbing. (When using a rope the demands of security are high, and you need more gear.)